Emmanuel Salva Cruz

Independent Game Developer

Author: esc

  • Cutscene Work in Progress


    in ,

    Hello! It’s been a while! I have just been working on a lot of stuff. Here is an update on the Guide Intro cutscene. Please note, it’s still not final. I still need to work on the dialog. I’m gradually changing the ui, and I think it still needs more work. If you guys have…

  • Battle UI (In Progress)



    Battle UI is currently in progress. Need some feedback. I had 22Rii make the character art for the portraits. (She also made the banner up top. Check out her page: http://22rii.deviantart.com/ ). I think the character art looks amazing now. Still need to work on the ui though. I’m thinking of changing the colors for…

  • Town Layout



    Sorry again, haven’t updated in a long time. I have been redoing and fixing some stuff. Mostly in the cutscene part and the town. Everything is still a work in progress, but I figured I should show the town reconstruction.   I wanted 3 main structures for quests: – The Diner for hunting quests –…

  • Spawns and Minimap



    Hello! Worked on enemy spawns and minimap this time. Also did some performance stuff. Enemies popup on certain areas now and despawn if you go further away. I think I wanted something like ff13-2, so I tried to copy it. It’s not as good, but I think it’s better than what I used to have.…

  • Back to Multi Turns

    Happy New Year everyone! Just a progress update. I did mostly programming stuff for the game. I switched the character controller with just a simple one. I had tons of problems with the old one, including running up on stairs. Hopefully this one would be better and easier to manage. I also started doing my…

  • Town In Progress part 4



    Hello! Still working on the town (Part 4). It still looks a bit empty for now and I still have to add a lot more stuff.The upper level is still not blocked out. It’s shaping up pretty nicely though I think.

  • Town In Progress part 3



    Hello! Late Update again. Been very busy :( Anyway, I’ve been working on UI + Making the town look better. It still needs a lot more work, but I’m slowly getting it done. I wanted to make a fun lively town and I’m looking at Chrono Trigger for inspiration. Hopefully I can make one as…

  • Town In Progress Part 2



    Hello! Sorry again for the late late update. I was working on this skill tree system, but it looked so complicated and hard to implement that I ended up scrapping it in favor of a way simpler one. So that was like a week gone -_-. Anyway I decided to make the town 3D instead…

  • Intro (Work in Progress)



    Hello! So now I’m working on the intro cutscene + tutorial. It starts out with fishing and a slime enemy. I had to redo the rig for the main character to make the animation easier. I also made her hair bouncy with physics. It is still a work in progress and I will need to…

  • Water Pipe Place Thing (Work In Progress)

    Hello! Still busy irl, but got work done on the level and decided to do a mini update. I finally finished the layout of the level, but still haven’t finished adding props and stuff on it. I decided to start coding the events and the mini switch puzzle first, so I can start playing on…