Author: esc
Cutscene Work in Progress
Hello! It’s been a while! I have just been working on a lot of stuff. Here is an update on the Guide Intro cutscene. Please note, it’s still not final. I still need to work on the dialog. I’m gradually changing the ui, and I think it still needs more work. If you guys have…
Battle UI (In Progress)
Battle UI is currently in progress. Need some feedback. I had 22Rii make the character art for the portraits. (She also made the banner up top. Check out her page: ). I think the character art looks amazing now. Still need to work on the ui though. I’m thinking of changing the colors for…
Town Layout
Sorry again, haven’t updated in a long time. I have been redoing and fixing some stuff. Mostly in the cutscene part and the town. Everything is still a work in progress, but I figured I should show the town reconstruction. I wanted 3 main structures for quests: – The Diner for hunting quests –…
Spawns and Minimap
Hello! Worked on enemy spawns and minimap this time. Also did some performance stuff. Enemies popup on certain areas now and despawn if you go further away. I think I wanted something like ff13-2, so I tried to copy it. It’s not as good, but I think it’s better than what I used to have.…
Back to Multi Turns
Happy New Year everyone! Just a progress update. I did mostly programming stuff for the game. I switched the character controller with just a simple one. I had tons of problems with the old one, including running up on stairs. Hopefully this one would be better and easier to manage. I also started doing my…
Town In Progress part 4
Hello! Still working on the town (Part 4). It still looks a bit empty for now and I still have to add a lot more stuff.The upper level is still not blocked out. It’s shaping up pretty nicely though I think.
Town In Progress part 3
Hello! Late Update again. Been very busy :( Anyway, I’ve been working on UI + Making the town look better. It still needs a lot more work, but I’m slowly getting it done. I wanted to make a fun lively town and I’m looking at Chrono Trigger for inspiration. Hopefully I can make one as…
Town In Progress Part 2
Hello! Sorry again for the late late update. I was working on this skill tree system, but it looked so complicated and hard to implement that I ended up scrapping it in favor of a way simpler one. So that was like a week gone -_-. Anyway I decided to make the town 3D instead…
Intro (Work in Progress)
Hello! So now I’m working on the intro cutscene + tutorial. It starts out with fishing and a slime enemy. I had to redo the rig for the main character to make the animation easier. I also made her hair bouncy with physics. It is still a work in progress and I will need to…
Water Pipe Place Thing (Work In Progress)
Hello! Still busy irl, but got work done on the level and decided to do a mini update. I finally finished the layout of the level, but still haven’t finished adding props and stuff on it. I decided to start coding the events and the mini switch puzzle first, so I can start playing on…