Emmanuel Salva Cruz

Independent Game Developer

  • Testing Enemy AI


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      Hello Everyone, long time no update. Just had some stuff IRL that kept me busy. Still working on this game though. I decided to go back to turn based battles. I could not get the real time to work out right. I have a video of testing out the enemy AI. It behaves like…

  • Starter Areas Layout


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    Hello Everyone! Just wanted to update on what I’ve been working on for the past month. I’ve been really busy IRL, but I got some work done on the starter areas. It’s still feels empty, but I got the layout done. The screenshots show some of the landmarks and the Evil Cave entrance. The areas…

  • Level Test



    Hello! Creating levels took a while, so I decided to finish porting over the random dungeon generator code from Crystal Story II. It helps me create levels much faster, but only works in the Editor and not on runtime. I’m still trying to decide if I should go back to the original Crystal Story and…

  • Levels


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    Hello! Just a quick update. I’ve been working on polishing some levels. The cave and the river area have been tweaked a bit. I’m currently not very happy with my pace, and I’m still working too slow. After reevaluating my progress these past few weeks, I might have to cut more features.

  • Arcade Shmup Minigame (No Sound)



    Hello! Just a quick update. Finally finished my shmup minigame inside the arcade. Will work on other stuff next. Oh and Happy New Year! :D:D:D I’ll be re-evaluating my progress again. I want to finish my game soon.

  • Basketball Arcade Minigame



    Hello! Just a quick update. I have been working on some buildings and the town areas. Decided to do a “quick” minigame. Ended up taking weeks and still not finished -_-. Anyway, here is a preview of a basketball arcade minigame. Still need to add sound and particle effects when you shoot, but for now…

  • Two More Chars


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    Another quick update. I made 2 more chars. I still need to fix the rig, but I’ll worry about it once the town is done. I also had some other stuff in the works, but didn’t like how it panned out. I might have to redo some of them. I’m going to work on the…

  • NPCs


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    Hello! Quick update. I’m currently back to 3D modeling, after spending so much time on programming. Here are two new npcs. They are currently not rigged and still unfinished. Will do that next week along with more characters.

  • An Update!



    Hello! Haven’t updated in a while. Just wanna say “hi! I’m still working on the game” :) Been working on the scripting part with menus, formulas, and other stuff. The ui on the screenshot are just things slapped together, so I have something to work with. The only thing that’s making it look good is…

  • Scene Streaming Test



    Just testing out my simple Scene Streaming implementation. On the left side of the video are the loaded areas from the top down view of the world. The right side is the Game screen. The game dynamically loads areas as you explore around making it look like an open world. I just sped up the…