Emmanuel Salva Cruz

Independent Game Developer

Category: Dev

  • Cutscene Work in Progress (Early)



    Hello! Currently playing around with what I can do with cutscenes and did a short test cutscene. Theres still a lot of things needed to be done. I’m planning to add character portaits and have them appear towards the direction of the speaker. I want it to be similar to the way they did it…

  • Forest Part 2 (Work in Progress)



    Hey guys! Short update. Just finished coding the battle camera pan. I can now set it up manually on every battle area. Other than that, just minor additions like effects and other menus.

  • Forest (Work In Progress)



    Hello! Been busy working on the first level. Still needs a lot of work. I am going to add more bushes, trees, and props next update since it feels empty. I am also not sure if adding jump is a good idea. My character can jump up cliffs and it’s starting to become a problem.…

  • Debug Room



    Hello! A bit slow on updating again. Most of the work done the past 2 weeks were programming related. I decided to go back to using an RPG framework again. I think this will make things faster than having to code everything on my own. Also integrated some of the assets I bought.   I’m…

  • Goblins


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    Finished the Goblins. They are a bit easier than the other ones since they are bipedal humanoids. They currently only have idle and run animations for now. I just need one more enemy plus some bosses I don’t know yet for the forest level and I think that’s it. I’m planning to start working on…

  • Bird Enemy


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    Hello! Haven’t done as much as I hoped this week, but I finally got the control rig done for the bird enemy. It was a bit harder than I thought. Overall, my pace has been a bit faster lately and I have more free time now. I’m able to do a short update a week.…

  • Boar Story


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    Finished creating the boar enemy and having fun running around with it. 612 Tris with 512×512 texture. Here is the original enemy from Crystal Story II:

  • Main Char Redo


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    Didn’t do much this week. I’m sick -_- Anyway I kinda redid the main char. I’m also currently redoing animations since the run cycle is a bit broken.

  • Menu (WIP)


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    Hello! Managed to do some work on the main menu. Everything is still temporary and most of the buttons aren’t working yet. I also added drawings as temporary placeholders to see how they look. I need to hire an actual artist once everything plans out. -_- I also reevaluated my plans these past weeks, which…

  • 3d Characters


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    Still not as much free time, so no video -_-. I decided to work on 3D stuff and start redoing my characters. I ended up sticking to the original design and added 5 fingers instead of just an open palm. I improved the base model, but it’s pretty minor. I’m planning to have just 3…